Board of Directors Approved 03/07/06
February 2, 2006

Present: Young, Hotaling, Passalacqua, Curtola, Sullivan, Williams, Machado, Fisher, Moelk, King, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hakenen

Minutes of January 5, 2006 and January 16, 2006
Sullivan motioned to approved, King seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report
There was not a shortfall with the 2005 Operational budget. Hotaling presented a letter to mail to the membership with a final report on the 2005 Operational budget and the budget variances. Sullivan motioned to approve the letter and attachments. Fisher seconded, the motion carried.

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Melikian, Anderson, McCracken
Family Transfer: Ferrari. Ms. Ferrari requested to keep her parents original membership number.
Passalacqua motioned to approve the applications for membership and that Ms. Ferrari retain her parents original membership number. Machado seconded, the motion carried.

Committee Reports
Green: The colvert is installed and design plans for the green is in progress. The committee is hopeful to have the plans mid-January and anticipate the new green to be playable approximately September/October 2006.

Tennis: The tennis facility is expected to be completed within three weeks.

Membership: The committee is recommending Board approval for the membership applicants and the request for a family transfer.
The committee is frustrated that their ideas for marketing memberships have been set aside and not acted on by the Board. They are requesting that their recommendations be responded to on a timely basis.
The Board will request the Club's attorney to give a written opinion on the membership committee's letter inviting new local homeowner to visit GVCC. The Board will also will request guidelines of wording that is permissible to send and what wording cannot be stated in the letter.
The committee is working on guidelines for a Social class of membership.

Pool: The committee is requesting to increase the hours of the Fitness Facility to 10:00 p.m. in an effort to accommodate members who commute.
The Board has security concerns with keeping the facility opened until 10:00 p.m. and suggested the committee consider 9:00 p.m. on dinner nights and having winter-summer hours.

Finance: The final dollar amount for #17 is unknown at this time. The committee is waiting for actual costs before they make a recommendation to the Board on a payment plan for the repairs.

Master Plan: Williams distributed a list of items including estimated costs for projects on the ten year plan. Nothing on the list has been formalized.

Social Membership Letter: A member wrote a letter expressing his opinion on the president's article on Social membership. The Board appreciated the opinion and will respond with a letter. The Board forwarded the member's letter to the membership committee.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
The Hon. James F. Moelk (Ret.)